miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008

Sa vad cum merge







vineri, 6 iunie 2008


Ma amuza in liceu cum toti profesorii ne cereau respect. Ma amuza pentru ca tot timpul am considerat ca respectul se castiga si nu se cere. Multi ani dupa si lucrurile stau la fel caci, din pacate, prea putini din cei cu care interactionez incearca sa-si castige respectul. Cel mai usor mod: respectati-va angajamentele!

  • Nu intarziati la intalniri. Stiu: e mult de munca, traficul e infernal etc. Dar daca eu ajung astept acelasi lucru de la voi! Iar daca intarziati pentru ca ceva mega-super important a intervenit, ma astept sa primesc scuze si explicatii. Cu 15 minute inante sa ora stabilita.

  • Faceti ceea ce ati promis! Se leaga de punctul anterior dar legatura cu angajamentele mai mari. Daca promiteti ca faceti ceva…. pls do! In intervalul de timp promis ar fi ideal! Iar daca se intampla ceva nemaipomenit care va impiedica sa va tineti de cuvant… anuntati!

  • Stop the bullshit! Better underpromise and overdeliver! Cum naiba se face ca la noi e tot timpul invers?

PS: Post scris la nervi dupa o saptamana-jumate plina de tepe!

PS2: Partea cea mai nasoala cand iei o teapa (cineva intarzie la o intalnire sau nu mai apare deloc sau promite ca face ceva pana la o anumita data si-si baga picioarele) este ca te pune pe tine in situatia penibila de ati cere scuze fata de alta persoana ca nu ti-ai putut respecta angajamentele. Jenant! Si trist totdata!

duminică, 30 martie 2008

Wiking game

For a game that doesn't do any one thing particularly well, why is Viking: Battle For Asgard so much fun?

Treaba merge cum ar trebui sa mearga.

Put simply, it's because the developers of this Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 game understand what turns a player into an addict. Viking's medieval sword-and-axe combat is merely alright, the visuals won't wow you, and the story is barely there. But the game's gradually expanding world ramps up perfectly, constantly teasing you with one more goal just out of reach, then another, then another.

Next thing you know, it's three in the morning and you can't remember how many legions of monsters you've slaughtered.

Viking is the story of a lone warrior tasked by the Norse goddess Freya to beat back the horrific armies of the death-goddess Hel, who has taken over the land of Midgard. To do it, you've got to liberate your fellow warriors and take back key military locations like quarries and lumberyards, so you'll be ready for a series of full-scale, thousand-man assaults on enemy strongholds.

One reason why Viking is so compelling is that it realizes its core competency and sticks closely to it. Although the setup makes the game sound like some sort of military tactics sim, and the open world brings to mind role-playing games like Fable, it's really an unabashed action game. You're on your own mowing down the enemies with your trusty sword, and the only strategy you need to employ is where to slash next.

But it's not all mindless hack-and-slash. If you run smack into the middle of a Legion-occupied area, you'll quickly be overwhelmed and die. Stealth is key. Now, generally when the word "stealth" is brought up in the context of any videogame whose title does not contain the words Metal Gear, it's a bad thing. Not so for Viking. Yes, main character Skarin is basically a lumbering oaf without a sneaky bone in his body. But his enemies make up for this by having the approximate combined intelligence of half a potato chip.

This leads to several ridiculous but undeniably entertaining stealth situations in which you tramp conspicuously around the outskirts of an enemy base, picking off preposterously inattentive monsters one by one as you thin out their numbers and move inward towards the oblivious rest of them. If you get behind an enemy undetected you can one-hit kill him with a special move you earn later in the game; these are generally accompanied by a gruesome dismemberment and a feeling of delicious power.

luni, 17 martie 2008

Primul post

Hi people. How are you?